Create UPC Barcode
The UPC-A or UPC-12 is the most widely used barcode for product identification in the US retail industry. Clients must have a GS1 Company Prefix and 12-digit UPC number to create this barcode.
Click here for assistance obtaining a GS1 Company Prefix and creating UPCs.
If you already have a UPC number, enter the first 11 digits into the site. The site will calculate the check digit – the 12th digit – automatically. Make sure the site check digit matches the 12th digit of your UPC to confirm that the number has been assigned and entered correctly.

UPCs are commonly sized at 80% magnification. This creates a barcode that is about 1.2” wide and 0.8” tall. If your packaging requires a shorter barcode, select the ”80%, .5” height” option for a barcode that is 1.2” wide and 0.5” tall.